No, we’re not talking about the need for a visit to the optometrist, but one who has a different vision problem: limited vision of what a worship ministry encompass. Let’s look at these in summary fashion.
1. The Sunday One-and-Done: This one shows up to go over the worship sets, confident in pull-it-off-again. He or she knows it's not perfect, but it will be good enough for Sunday and knows no one there even knows the difference.
2. Superman or Wonderwoman: Gifted, likable, confident, they assume their place behind the microphone knowing how to “help the people respond,” because things just happen when they lead.
3. Toys for Tots: This one just has to have the latest and greatest tech toys or the service just won’t be right.
4. The Rising Star: This one is rising by moving up as fast as possible, always on the lookout for the “next big break” that will put him or her in the place of ministry such talent can be used and appreciated.
5. The Life-Preserver: Involvement in the local church needs to be limited to those activities that match gifts and talents; there is no need to go “overboard” on this service thing.
6. No Minors Allowed: No attempts are made to develop music and worship skills among the children or youth. They are willing to work with the volunteers who already can “play,” but are really too busy in the worship ministry to babysit little kids.
7. You have arrived at your destination: These worship leaders finally have reached the point where they don’t have to practice anymore, after all, there is so much ministry to do and time is precious.
Near-sighted worship leadership lacks vision and fails to have the desired expected impact. Only the Servant leadership modeled by Jesus and directed by the Holy Spirit can help avoid these failures.
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